What pollution does and different pollutants.

Image result for fertilizer in river
Wikimedia Commons

Do you know what pollution is? Pollution is when people damage the earth by littering or by other things like smoke from factories and cars to the normal liter on the street. In my class the three pollutants we are learning about is acid rain,fertilizer, and road salt. Acid rain dissolves nutrients and helpful minerals then washes them away before plants and trees can use them . Fertilizer from animals or the chemical kind is used but the excess is washed into rivers and streams .Then the fertilizer makes algae blooms  or the fertilizer will work but when the nutrients run out the plants die. Road salt  either gets on trees and plants which rot the outside of the plant or animals will eat it and get sick.We are going to do a experiment with controlled rye grass then we will pollute them with the 3 pollutants I just said .I predict the acid rain will be the worst because it can dissolve statues  so imagine what that is going to be like on plants. To help stop pollution you can start using nature friendly fertilizer or be careful of the amount you use.For stoping road salt is to just stop using it or use plain salt instead.To stop acid rain don’t put bad chemicals in the air or start using the bus more often to stop those nasty fumes.

A good site about pollution is :  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollution

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